Evidence that needs to be provided by a student to be found competent on a class.
The following flow diagram illustrates the typical CLASS EVIDENCE life cycle inside MYCITO*.
1 Evidence Create and manage class evidence. |
2 Mail Email reminders for the class evidence. |
3 Marks Update the class evidences marks. |
Yes, you can edit the class evidence.
Yes, you can send an email reminder to all or just a few selected students on the class that their evidence are due. These reminder emails have an upload button making it easy for students to upload their evidence directly into the system without logging in.
Yes, you can update all the students marks on a single page view.
Follow these steps to EDIT CLASS EVIDENCE.
Follow these steps to EMAIL REMINDERS.
Follow these steps to UPDATE the EVIDENCE MARKS.
MYCITO is quickly becoming a preferred CLOUD AMO / LMS & ERP SERVICE for SMMEs in South Africa. Locally designed, developed and supported with a pay as you go model, no infrastructure costs, quarterly updates, guaranteed levels of service and more to fit your month-to-month requirements.
Standard local (South Africa) office hours Monday - Friday (08:00 - 16:00) GMT+2
AMO = Academy Management Office, LMS = Learner Record Management System / Software, ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning Software / System, SaaS = Software as a Service, SETA = Sector Education and Training Authorities, QCTO = Quality Council for Trades and Occupations, SAQA = South African Qualification Authority, QMS = Quality Management System, DHET = Department of Higher Education and Training, TVET = Technical and Vocational Education and Training, ESD = Enterprise Supplier Development, SMME = Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises, OFO = Organising Framework for Occupations
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