MYCITO* makes it easy to manage SCHEDULES by allowing OPERATIONAL users to create one or more SCHEDULES to track attendance within an EVENT. SCHEDULES can have an AGENDA and facilitator ATTENDEES presenting the SCHEDULE from pre-uploaded MATERIAL and participant ATTENDEES that can confirm or decline email INVITATIONS, receive email REMINDERS once confided, EVALUATE the SCHEDULE online once attended and receive CERTIFICATES as evidence of attendance.
Please speak to your regional MYCITO* consultant for more information on SCHEDULES.
The following flow diagram illustrates the typical SCHEDULE life cycle inside MYCITO*.
1 Schedule Create and manage SCHEDULE. |
2 Agenda Add an agenda to the SCHEDULE. |
3 Material Upload material on the SCHEDULE. |
4 Attendees Add attendees to the SCHEDULE. |
5 Invitations Send invitation emails to the ATTENDEES. |
6 Reminders Send reminders to the ATTENDEES. |
7 Register Print attendance REGISTER. |
8 Evidence Upload signed REGISTER. |
9 Evaluation Complete SCHEDULE evaluation. |
10 Certification Issue and email attendance CERTIFICATE. |
11 Expenses Add expense to the SCHEDULE. |
12 Reports View reports associated with the SCHEDULE. |
Yes, you can edit a schedule to change the name, status, location, agenda template and start / stop dates and times of a schedule.
Yes, you can edit a schedule and set the NO Certificate = TRUE. The pre-linked certificate template on the event the schedule belongs to will generate a unique attendance certificates for each attendee of status ATTENDED.
Yes, you can copy all the attendees from the one or more schedules in MYCITO to a schedule. Note the unique schedule numbers for easy copy search and selection. You can also specify if you want to copy the source schedule attendance statuses.
Yes, you can upload schedule material. Supported schedule material types are;
Yes, you can edit and delete unwanted schedule material.
Yes, you can create, edit and delete agenda items on a schedule. Note under schedule edit you can link a pre-defined agenda template to save time.
Yes, you can import attendees from an uploaded schedule material of type DATA File. Note any attendee in this file that is not already registered as an individual inside MYCITO will be created as a new individual before being linked to the schedule as an attendee. MYCITO uses the ID Type and ID Number to locate any matching individuals before creating a new individual.
Yes, you can link, edit and delete attendees on a schedule. Note individuals must pre-exist in MYCITO before they can be linked to a schedule as either a Facilitator, Participant or Observer. See: MYCITO* and Attendees
Yes, you can email a schedule invitation to all attendees of status REGISTERED. Email recipients can update their attendance status to CONFIRMED or DECLINED directly from within the email. You can also test the invitation email by sending it to yourself for review before forwarding it to all attendees with status REGISTERED or selected attendees.
Yes, the you can auto confirm all attendees on a schedule to save time.
Yes, you can email a schedule reminder to all attendees of status CONFIRMED with selected schedule material of type Attachment. Email recipients will receive an iCAL file attached to the reminder email for auto booking into their calendars. You can also test the reminder email by sending it to yourself for review before forwarding it to all attendees with status CONFIRMED or selected attendees.
Yes, you can close a schedule.
Yes, you can bulk update all attendee status on a schedule or individually with supporting notes.
Yes, you can create, edit and delete expenses on a schedule. Supported expense types are;
Yes, closing a schedule locks the records in and prevents future changes by flagging the schedule for higher reports and other MYCITO users as done. You can only access the schedule evaluation and expense reports once closed.
Yes, only you or another user of a same security level or higher security clearance can re-open a schedule.
Yes, you should delete empty / unused schedules for clean reporting, unless internally it has been agreed that empty / unused schedules should be cancelled for detailed reporting.
Yes, you can restore empty / unused schedules.
Yes, you can cancel a schedule.
Yes, you can email a schedule cancellation to all attendees of status CONFIRMED. You can also test the cancellation email by sending it to yourself for review before forwarding it to all attendees with status CONFIRMED or selected attendees.
Yes, you can edit a schedule and change the status to one of the following;
Yes, you can view a detailed schedule attendee report.
Yes, you can export detailed schedule register to CSV (comma-separated value) file format. Exported columns are;
Yes, you can print a governing body compliant schedule register for attendance signing by attendees. Note only attendees of status CONFIRMED is listed on this register.
Yes, you can print a security register for attendee arrival notification at a venue. Note only attendees of status CONFIRMED is listed on this register.
Yes, you can print a catering register for attendee meal preparation at a venue. Note only attendees of status CONFIRMED is listed on this register.
Yes, you can print an employer register for attendance signing by attendees. Note only attendees of status CONFIRMED is listed on this register.
Yes, you can delete a schedule. Note all schedule material, agenda items, attendees, expenses and evaluations will be deleted.
Yes, you can restore a schedule. Note that schedule material, agenda items, attendees, expenses and evaluations will not be restored, these should be done one-by-one for optimal restoring.
Yes, the pre-linked evaluation model on the event the schedule belongs to will generate a unique evaluation for each attendee of status ATTENDED. You can email a schedule evaluation link to all attendees of status ATTENDED or selected attendees.
Yes, you can add post-mortem action items based on evaluation feedback on a schedule.
Yes, you can email action items to the schedule facilitators.
Yes, you can view a detailed schedule expense report.
Yes, you can view a detailed schedule evaluation report.
Follow these steps to CREATE A SCHEDULE.
Follow these steps to COPY A SCHEDULE.
Follow these steps to UPLOAD MATERIAL.
Follow these steps to EDIT MATERIAL.
Follow these steps to EDIT THE AGENDA.
Follow these steps to IMPORT ATTENDEES.
Follow these steps to LINK ATTENDEES.
Follow these steps to EMAIL INVITATION.
Follow these steps to AUTO CONFIRM ATTENDEES.
Follow these steps to EMAIL REMINDER.
Follow these steps to UPDATE REGISTER.
Follow these steps to EDIT EXPENSES.
Follow these steps to CANCEL SCHEDULE.
Follow these steps to EMAIL CANCELLATION.
Follow these steps to EXPORT REGISTER.
Follow these steps to VIEW FULL SCHEDULE.
Follow these steps to VIEW SECURITY SCHEDULE.
Follow these steps to VIEW CATERING SCHEDULE.
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AMO = Academy Management Office, LMS = Learner Record Management System / Software, ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning Software / System, SaaS = Software as a Service, SETA = Sector Education and Training Authorities, QCTO = Quality Council for Trades and Occupations, SAQA = South African Qualification Authority, QMS = Quality Management System, DHET = Department of Higher Education and Training, TVET = Technical and Vocational Education and Training, ESD = Enterprise Supplier Development, SMME = Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises, OFO = Organising Framework for Occupations
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