MYCITO* and SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority)

MYCITO* ships preloaded with all current SAQA unit standards, legacy subjects, qualifications and legacy programmes for your modular based training curriculum construction, reporting and compliance aligned export for governing body record submissions.



Agriculture and Nature Conservation
1 425 Unit Standards
 Forestry and Wood Technology305
 Nature Conservation181
 Primary Agriculture296
 Secondary Agriculture550

Business, Commerce and Management Studies
2 247 Unit Standards
 Finance, Economics and Accounting1 054
 Generic Management258
 Human Resources121
 Office Administration73
 Project Management67
 Public Administration195
 Public Relations27

Communication Studies and Language
423 Unit Standards
 Communication Studies251
 Information Studies14

Culture and Arts
614 Unit Standards
 Cultural Studies32
 Design Studies0
 Film, Television and Video0
 Performing Arts52
 Visual Arts98

Education, Training and Development
356 Unit Standards
 Adult Learning233
 Early Childhood Development57
 Higher Education and Training46

Health Sciences and Social Services
438 Unit Standards
 Curative Health101
 Preventive Health204
 Promotive Health and Developmental Services120
 Rehabilitative Health/Services13

Human and Social Studies
455 Unit Standards
 Environmental Relations8
 General Social Science38
 Industrial & Organisational Governance and Human Resource Development0
 People/Human-Centred Development137
 Public Policy, Politics and Democratic Citizenship28
 Religious and Ethical Foundations of Society219
 Rural and Agrarian Studies0
 Traditions, History and Legacies25
 Urban and Regional Studies0

Law, Military Science and Security
998 Unit Standards
 Justice in Society94
 Safety in Society624
 Sovereignty of the State280

Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology
4 952 Unit Standards
 Engineering and Related Design864
 Fabrication and Extraction1 963
 Manufacturing and Assembly2 125

Physical Planning and Construction
1 465 Unit Standards
 Building Construction258
 Civil Engineering Construction504
 Electrical Infrastructure Construction296
 Physical Planning, Design and Management407

Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences
530 Unit Standards
 Earth and Space Sciences0
 Environmental Sciences56
 Information Technology and Computer Sciences204
 Life Sciences8
 Mathematical Sciences106
 Physical Sciences156

1 796 Unit Standards
 Consumer Services20
 Hospitality, Tourism, Travel, Gaming and Leisure519
 Personal Care211
 Transport, Operations and Logistics574
 Wholesale and Retail224

Agriculture and Nature Conservation

Secondary Agriculture

550 Unit Standards
IDNameNQF LevelCredits
 8000Apply basic business principlesLevel 39 Credits
 8136Place merchandise orderLevel 24 Credits
 8137Receive merchandiseLevel 24 Credits
 8138Pricing of merchandiseLevel 23 Credits
 8139Store stockLevel 14 Credits
 8140Determine stock levelsLevel 25 Credits
 8141Control of stockLevel 48 Credits
 8142Merchandise StoreLevel 24 Credits
 8143Implement and run promotionsLevel 47 Credits
 8144Complete sales transactionsLevel 26 Credits
 8145Marketing of MerchandiseLevel 410 Credits
 8146Purchase MerchandiseLevel 412 Credits
 8147Introduction to Agri TradeLevel 14 Credits
 8155Plan Merchandise layoutLevel 47 Credits
 8156Collect representative grain sampleLevel 14 Credits
 8157Determine produce grade: WheatLevel 310 Credits
 8158Determine produce grade: MaizeLevel 36 Credits
 8159Determine produce grade: Sunflower seedLevel 36 Credits
 8160Determine produce grade: SorghumLevel 36 Credits
 8161Determine produce grade: SoyaLevel 36 Credits
 8163Unload grain consignments in bulkLevel 12 Credits
 8164Intake of grainLevel 310 Credits
 8166Clean grainLevel 26 Credits
 8167Inspect stored grainLevel 14 Credits
 8168Combat contamination in grainLevel 411 Credits
 8176Prepare grain dispatch containersLevel 14 Credits
 8177Apply grain storage hygieneLevel 24 Credits
 8178Determine bulk stock levelLevel 23 Credits
 8179Repair bags and tarpaulinsLevel 13 Credits
 8180Deplete grain binLevel 12 Credits
 8181Determine produce grade: PopcornLevel 36 Credits
 8182Care for handtools, utensils and protective equipmentLevel 12 Credits
 8183Determine produce grade: GroundnutsLevel 310 Credits
 8184Collect a representative groundnut sampleLevel 12 Credits
 8185Prepare unshelled groundnut sample for gradingLevel 13 Credits
 8186Conduct routine maintenance of technical- and site equipmentLevel 15 Credits
 8187Care for electronic equipment and measuring instrumentsLevel 24 Credits
 8188Collect crop estimate informationLevel 36 Credits
 8189Determine produce grade: Dry beansLevel 36 Credits
 8190Demonstrate an understanding of the grain handling industryLevel 14 Credits
 8191Identify, select, use and care for tools and equipmentLevel 18 Credits
 8192Remove and install drive shaftLevel 13 Credits
 8193Recondition universal jointsLevel 13 Credits
 8194Dismantle componentsLevel 15 Credits
 8195Identify, select, use and care for measuring instrumentsLevel 18 Credits
 8196Recondition clutchLevel 210 Credits
 8197Commission agricultural implementLevel 210 Credits
 8198Repair belt and chain driven systemLevel 28 Credits
 8199Recondition fuel systems componentsLevel 28 Credits
 8200Service and test batteryLevel 25 Credits
 8201Service vehicle systemsLevel 25 Credits
 8202Use basic hand-skillsLevel 15 Credits
 8203Recondition brake system componentsLevel 310 Credits
 8204Remove and install system and componentsLevel 36 Credits
 8205Recondition system and componentsLevel 315 Credits
 8206Recondition steering system componentsLevel 315 Credits
 8207Recondition knotter mechanismLevel 315 Credits
 8208Diagnose and repair combined harvest systemsLevel 415 Credits
 8209Diagnose and repair balerLevel 415 Credits
 8211Diagnose and repair power driven machinesLevel 415 Credits
 8213Use agricultural engineering materialsLevel 15 Credits
 8215Use and care for lifting equipmentLevel 15 Credits
 8216Use attachment agentsLevel 15 Credits
 8217Tack weld ferrous metalsLevel 15 Credits
 8218Cut metals using an oxy-fuel gas processLevel 18 Credits
 8219Weld metals using an oxy-fuel gas processLevel 18 Credits
 8220Remove and install a clutchLevel 15 Credits
 8277Managing cash and credit transactionsNew Level Assignment Pending25 Credits
 114078Perform a scheduled production machine serviceLevel 46 Credits
 114079Maintain a cigarette maker airlockLevel 42 Credits
 114080Overhaul a rod maker cut-off unitLevel 46 Credits
 114081Clean tobacco fines filter unitLevel 22 Credits
 114082Maintain the hopper of a filter attachment unitLevel 48 Credits
 114083Prepare a metallising machine for productionLevel 38 Credits
 114084Maintain the drying units of a pre and post treatment machineLevel 42 Credits
 114085Maintain a cigarette maker garnitureLevel 46 Credits
 114086Clean a metallising machineLevel 23 Credits
 114089Perform a filter rod length change-overLevel 411 Credits
 114090Maintain the chamber of metallising machineLevel 46 Credits
 114091Prepare a pre and post treatment machine for productionLevel 36 Credits
 114092Maintain the cigarette drums of a filter attachment unitLevel 48 Credits
 114093Overhaul a rod maker printer unitLevel 46 Credits
 114094Maintain a cigarette maker suction chamberLevel 46 Credits
 114096Process pre and post treated paper rollsLevel 312 Credits
 114097Maintain the evaporation unit of a metallising machineLevel 44 Credits
 114098Prepare mixtures for metallised paperLevel 35 Credits
 114100Maintain application agents mixing apparatusLevel 46 Credits
 114102Apply quality control on cigarettesLevel 310 Credits
 114104Handle production wasteLevel 23 Credits
 114105Shut down a pre and post treatment machineLevel 34 Credits
 114106Maintain a rod maker cut-off unitLevel 412 Credits
 114107Supply raw materials to production machinesLevel 25 Credits
 114108Maintain a filter rod maker`s adhesive applicatorsLevel 44 Credits
 114109Shut down a filter rod makerLevel 25 Credits
 114110Clean cutting machineLevel 23 Credits
 114113Prepare a slitting machine for productionLevel 36 Credits
 114114Shut down a metallising machineLevel 34 Credits
 114115Cut threshed stemLevel 314 Credits
 114117Maintain filter rod maker garnitureLevel 48 Credits
 114118Handle filter rod stockLevel 28 Credits
 114119Maintain a tray fillerLevel 48 Credits
 114120Shut down a slitting machineLevel 34 Credits
 114121Maintain cigarette maker transfer unitLevel 45 Credits
 114122Supply filter rods to cigarette making machinesLevel 24 Credits
 114123Produce filter rodsLevel 318 Credits
 114124Pre-condition unmanufactured tobaccoLevel 36 Credits
 114125Produce cutragLevel 412 Credits
 114126Clean a slitting machineLevel 23 Credits
 114127Clean conditioning machinesLevel 24 Credits
 114128Prepare Tobacco HumectantsLevel 23 Credits
 114130Cut laminaLevel 310 Credits
 114131Maintain the paper centering unit of pre and post treatment machineLevel 42 Credits
 114134Depict basic details of the tobacco processing industryLevel 23 Credits
 114135Maintain a filter rod sending stationLevel 412 Credits
 114137Maintain the unwind unit of a pre and post treatment machineLevel 47 Credits
 114138Slit metallised paper rollsLevel 310 Credits
 114139Apply quality control on filter rodsLevel 310 Credits
 114141Maintain the applicator units of a pre and post treatment machineLevel 46 Credits
 114142Maintain a cigarette maker tobacco hopperLevel 45 Credits
 114144Condition tobacco for processingLevel 312 Credits
 114145Maintain the inspection units of a filter attachment unitLevel 48 Credits
 114146Maintain the cooling system of a pre and post treatment machineLevel 44 Credits
 114147Maintain the vacuum pump system of a metallising machineLevel 414 Credits
 114148Maintain a cigarette maker printer and paper runLevel 45 Credits
 114150Clean a pre and post treatment machineLevel 23 Credits
 114151Maintain a slitting machineLevel 416 Credits
 114152Capture and retrieve production related data on a production machine`s data processorLevel 32 Credits
 114153Maintain a filter rod processing unitLevel 416 Credits
 114154Clean production support unitsLevel 24 Credits
 114155Maintain the cooling water system of a metallising machineLevel 43 Credits
 114156Clean a filter rod makerLevel 24 Credits
 114174Metallise treated paper rollsLevel 314 Credits
 114175Apply additives to threshed tobaccoLevel 38 Credits
 114177Fill cutrag binsLevel 23 Credits
 114178Conduct a filter rod code change-overLevel 32 Credits
 114180Apply quality control during tobacco processingLevel 25 Credits
 114181Maintain the tipping unit of a filter attachment unitLevel 48 Credits
 114223Prepare a filter rod maker for productionLevel 310 Credits
 114282Control clarification operationsLevel 411 Credits
 114283Control centrifugation operationsLevel 414 Credits
 114284Control evaporation operationLevel 411 Credits
 114285Boil a continuous panLevel 210 Credits
 114286Optimise juice clarificationNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 114287Control pan boiling operationsLevel 414 Credits
 114288Operate a crystalliserLevel 23 Credits
 114289Optimise juice evaporationNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 114291Monitor juice screensLevel 22 Credits
 114292Operate refinery filtersLevel 29 Credits
 114293Optimise pan boilingNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 114294Operate sugar dryersLevel 23 Credits
 114295Off-load sugar cane using a spiller unloaderLevel 26 Credits
 114296Start a batch panLevel 210 Credits
 114297Explain the terms Pol, Brix and PurityLevel 22 Credits
 114298Operate cane feeder tableLevel 24 Credits
 114299Concentrate clear juiceLevel 27 Credits
 114300Operate sugar cane diffuserLevel 216 Credits
 114301Optimise laboratory activitiesNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 114302Apply the terms Pol, Brix and PurityLevel 42 Credits
 114303Maintain vapour production and condensate removal.Level 27 Credits
 114304Optimise cane yard operationsNew Level Assignment Pending12 Credits
 114305Operate decolourisation resin stationLevel 28 Credits
 114306Operate milling tandemLevel 216 Credits
 114308Clean evaporator vesselsLevel 26 Credits
 114309Operate dewatering millsLevel 22 Credits
 114310Control laboratory activitiesLevel 412 Credits
 114311Grow sugar crystalsLevel 215 Credits
 114312Use laboratory apparatus and equipmentLevel 212 Credits
 114313Operate sugar conditioning stationLevel 25 Credits
 114314Optimise centrifugation operationsNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 114315Undertake factory performance calculationsLevel 215 Credits
 114316Perform factory product analysisLevel 216 Credits
 114317Operate centrifugalsLevel 210 Credits
 114318Describe the process flow of a sugar cane processing factoryLevel 22 Credits
 114319Operate juice heatersLevel 27 Credits
 114320Explain the sugar cane processing value chainLevel 42 Credits
 114321Operate a sugar melterLevel 24 Credits
 114322Control juice liming and flocculant additionLevel 24 Credits
 114323Optimise sugar extraction operationsNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 114324Control juice sedimentation in the clarifierLevel 28 Credits
 114325Process clarifier mudLevel 211 Credits
 114326Manage factory performance figuresNew Level Assignment Pending2 Credits
 114327Operate a carbonatation stationLevel 28 Credits
 114328Control refinery operationsLevel 415 Credits
 114330Control cane yard operationsLevel 411 Credits
 114331Optimise refinery operationsNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 114332Operate a sulphitation stationLevel 28 Credits
 114333Control sugar extractions operationsLevel 411 Credits
 114334Operate a phosphatation stationLevel 28 Credits
 114335Evaluate dressing of carcassesLevel 46 Credits
 114336Count teethLevel 18 Credits
 114337Prepare wheat for millingLevel 28 Credits
 114338Apply technology to wheat preparationLevel 212 Credits
 114339Handle slaughter animals ante mortemLevel 18 Credits
 114340Evaluate the suitability of small stock carcasses and organs for human consumptionLevel 416 Credits
 114341Handle condemned materialLevel 24 Credits
 114342Classify beef carcassesLevel 48 Credits
 114343Prepare animals for slaughterLevel 18 Credits
 114345Classify pork carcassesLevel 416 Credits
 114346Handle effluentLevel 13 Credits
 114347Condition grainLevel 24 Credits
 114348Classify small stock carcassesLevel 413 Credits
 114349Evaluate the suitability of pork carcasses and organs for human consumptionLevel 416 Credits
 114350Chill and despatch carcassesLevel 24 Credits
 114351Apply technology to maize preparationLevel 212 Credits
 114353Handle red offalLevel 14 Credits
 114356Apply technology to maize millingLevel 212 Credits
 114357Handle hides and skinsLevel 12 Credits
 114358Handle rough offalLevel 24 Credits
 114360Blend grainLevel 24 Credits
 114361Process offalLevel 24 Credits
 114362Demonstrate understanding of the abattoir industryLevel 23 Credits
 114367Slaughter and dress small stockLevel 28 Credits
 114369Process impurities in grainLevel 24 Credits
 114370Slaughter and dress porkLevel 26 Credits
 114374Perform primary meat inspection incisions of beefLevel 48 Credits
 114375Slaughter and dress horse and donkeyLevel 210 Credits
 114378Slaughter and dress gameLevel 210 Credits
 114379Perform primary meat inspection incisions of small stockLevel 48 Credits
 114380Perform primary meat inspection incisions of porkLevel 48 Credits
 114381Slaughter and dress crocodileLevel 210 Credits
 114382Degerm maizeLevel 26 Credits
 114383Evaluate the suitability of beef carcasses and organs for human consumptionLevel 416 Credits
 114384Reduce grain and endospermLevel 26 Credits
 114385Sieve and grade grain mill stocksLevel 28 Credits
 114386Classify / purify grain endospermLevel 26 Credits
 114387Convey grain milling stocksLevel 26 Credits
 114448Perform primary meat inspection incisions of ostrichLevel 48 Credits
 114450Perform primary meat inspection incisions of crocodileLevel 48 Credits
 114452Perform primary meat inspection incisions of horse and donkeyLevel 48 Credits
 114453Perform primary meat inspection incisions of gameLevel 48 Credits
 114654Store seedLevel 412 Credits
 114655Receive seed sampleLevel 37 Credits
 114657Control of seed processing operationLevel 413 Credits
 114658Demonstrate basic knowledge of the seed industryLevel 24 Credits
 114659Control disease and pest in stored seedLevel 47 Credits
 114661Demonstrate an understanding of the work-place in the seed industryLevel 22 Credits
 114662Conduct maintenance of seed testing equipmentLevel 33 Credits
 114663Determine seed stock levelsLevel 44 Credits
 114664Understand legal principles relevant to marketing within the seed industryLevel 410 Credits
 114665Analyse the viability of seedLevel 46 Credits
 114666Harvest seed trialsLevel 38 Credits
 114667Test vigour of seedLevel 414 Credits
 114668Sample a seed lotLevel 48 Credits
 114670Demonstrate knowledge of the seed industryLevel 311 Credits
 114673Receive seedLevel 313 Credits
 114674Analyse the germination of seedLevel 414 Credits
 114675Determine moisture level of seedLevel 35 Credits
 114676Cultivate seed trialsLevel 45 Credits
 114678Dispatch of seedLevel 48 Credits
 114680Field inspection of seed unitLevel 49 Credits
 114683Certify a seed unitLevel 45 Credits
 114686Treat and enhance seedLevel 410 Credits
 114687Analyse physical purity of seedLevel 311 Credits
 114688Store seed samplesLevel 32 Credits
 114707Prepare germplasm for planningLevel 47 Credits
 114708Contract seed growersLevel 46 Credits
 114709Receive and distribute parent seedLevel 35 Credits
 114710Plant seed trialsLevel 38 Credits
 114743Conduct controlled pollinationLevel 46 Credits
 115176Explain the cold chain processLevel 24 Credits
 115177Pre-sort fruitLevel 23 Credits
 115178Pack fruitLevel 25 Credits
 115179Palletise fruitLevel 24 Credits
 115180Operate fruit sizing machineLevel 38 Credits
 115181Apply hygiene proceduresLevel 24 Credits
 115182Operate carton assembly machineryLevel 38 Credits
 115186Apply safety and health proceduresLevel 26 Credits
 115187Explain product characteristicsLevel 24 Credits
 115188Apply environmental protection proceduresLevel 24 Credits
 115190Demonstrate an understanding of the basic requirements of different fruit marketsLevel 25 Credits
 115191Perform quality tests on fruitLevel 38 Credits
 115193Grade fruitLevel 25 Credits
 115195Monitor fruit treatment processLevel 38 Credits
 115197Store fruitLevel 38 Credits
 115200Dispatch final productLevel 38 Credits
 115201Receive fruitLevel 35 Credits
 115202Operate fruit packing line machineLevel 310 Credits
 115793Peg plant stations for macadamia orchardsLevel 26 Credits
 115794Dehusk macadamia nut in huskLevel 212 Credits
 115795Control pest and weed in macadamia orchardsLevel 13 Credits
 115796Hole plant stations for planting macadamia treesLevel 11 Credits
 115797Plant macadamia treesLevel 11 Credits
 115801Harvest macadamia nuts in huskLevel 11 Credits
 115805Train/selectively prune macadamia treesLevel 212 Credits
 115809Prune macadamia treesLevel 12 Credits
 115818Wither green leafLevel 26 Credits
 115822Leaf downLevel 13 Credits
 115825Irrigate macadamia orchardsLevel 13 Credits
 115826Roll and fermentise withered leafLevel 212 Credits
 115829Fertilise macadamia orchardLevel 11 Credits
 115832Scout macadamia orchardLevel 28 Credits
 115834Take in nuts in huskLevel 23 Credits
 115836Fire/dry teaLevel 212 Credits
 115837Prepare nurserybed and fill potLevel 14 Credits
 115839Sort black teaLevel 212 Credits
 115840Plant tea bushesLevel 12 Credits
 115841Pack and stack made teaLevel 24 Credits
 115843Prune teaLevel 14 Credits
 115846Blend secondary tea gradesLevel 28 Credits
 115847Control pest and weed in tea fieldsLevel 13 Credits
 115850Fertilise tea fields and nurseryLevel 12 Credits
 115851Irrigate tea fields and nurseryLevel 13 Credits
 115853Take in green leafLevel 24 Credits
 115911Blend paprika oleoresinLevel 312 Credits
 115915Take in raw materialLevel 212 Credits
 115916Deseed paprika raw materialLevel 16 Credits
 115918Mill paprikaLevel 26 Credits
 115922Pelletise paprikaLevel 26 Credits
 115928Operate primary paprika millLevel 212 Credits
 115931Operate secondary paprika millLevel 212 Credits
 115968Blend paprika powderLevel 28 Credits
 115971Operate extractorLevel 312 Credits
 115975Operate desolventiserLevel 312 Credits
 115976Operate evaporatorLevel 312 Credits
 115979Operate polishing plantLevel 312 Credits
 115982Dispatch kernelLevel 38 Credits
 115991Dispatch final productLevel 24 Credits
 116041Demonstrate an understanding of dry pet food extrusion principlesLevel 412 Credits
 116043Operate and control dry pet food extrusion equipment using advanced extrusion technologiesLevel 48 Credits
 116044Control raw material and final product stockLevel 48 Credits
 116048Take stock of commodities in bulkLevel 33 Credits
 116049Operate and control advanced pet food kibble coating equipmentLevel 48 Credits
 116899Clean and sanitize a food processing systemLevel 35 Credits
 116902Maintain a stem rollerLevel 43 Credits
 116903Control the conditioning processLevel 46 Credits
 116904Maintain a tobacco fines extraction unitLevel 42 Credits
 116905Maintain a tobacco airlockLevel 42 Credits
 116906Maintain a tobacco pre-conditioning unitLevel 48 Credits
 116907Maintain a tobacco reclaim unitLevel 46 Credits
 116908Maintain a lamina and stem cutterLevel 414 Credits
 116909Control the cutting processLevel 46 Credits
 116910Maintain a tobacco feeder unitLevel 44 Credits
 116911Maintain a conditioning unitLevel 414 Credits
 116912Maintain dosing and weighing belt unitsLevel 46 Credits
 116913Analyse processed tobacco qualityLevel 310 Credits
 116914Maintain a conditioning cylinderLevel 46 Credits
 116915Maintain tobacco transport unitsLevel 44 Credits
 116916Maintain a tobacco siloLevel 44 Credits
 116950Clean a cigarette packet over-wrapper and display filling unitLevel 24 Credits
 116951Fill and seal a final containerLevel 25 Credits
 116952Prepare a cigarette packet over-wrapper and display filling unit for productionLevel 26 Credits
 116953Apply quality control on the final productLevel 310 Credits
 116954Fill packing machine hopper with cigarettesLevel 23 Credits
 116955Over-wrap cigarette packet and fill display unitLevel 24 Credits
 116956Over-wrap display unitsLevel 26 Credits
 116957Shut down a cigarette packet over-wrapper and display filling unitLevel 22 Credits
 116958Clean a display over-wrapper unitLevel 24 Credits
 116959Conduct a brand change-over on a cigarette packet over-wrapper and display filling unitLevel 22 Credits
 116961Prepare a cigarette packer for productionLevel 38 Credits
 116962Conduct a cigarette packer brand change-overLevel 33 Credits
 116963Clean a cigarette packerLevel 26 Credits
 116964Shut down a cigarette packerLevel 35 Credits
 116965Pack cigarettesLevel 318 Credits
 117606Maintain a cigarette packer compression turretLevel 43 Credits
 117607Maintain a display unit‘s exit heatersLevel 43 Credits
 117608Maintain a display bundle transfer unitLevel 43 Credits
 117609Maintain a cigarette packer metallised paper feed and cutting unitLevel 44 Credits
 117610Maintain a cigarette packer bundle transport unitLevel 43 Credits
 117611Maintain a cigarette packer label and blank feed unitLevel 48 Credits
 117612Maintain case packer and sealer unitLevel 410 Credits
 117613Maintain a cigarette packer stamp unitLevel 42 Credits
 117614Maintain a cigarette packer drying drumsLevel 42 Credits
 117615Maintain a cigarette packer arbor drumLevel 45 Credits
 117616Maintain an over-wrapping unitLevel 42 Credits
 117617Maintain first and second elevatorsLevel 41 Credits
 117618Maintain a metallised paper embossing unitLevel 45 Credits
 117619Maintain a cigarette packer packet reservoirLevel 43 Credits
 117620Maintain a cigarette packer inner liner folding wheelLevel 45 Credits
 117621Maintain a cigarette packer inner frame unitLevel 44 Credits
 117622Maintain a cigarette packer blank folding wheelLevel 42 Credits
 117623Maintain a film wrapper folding stationLevel 45 Credits
 117624Maintain a film wrapper unwinding and cutting unitLevel 44 Credits
 117625Maintain a film wrapper packet infeed unitLevel 45 Credits
 117626Maintain a cigarette packer exit conveyorsLevel 43 Credits
 117744Fill cigarette trayLevel 25 Credits
 117746Prepare a cigarette maker for productionLevel 310 Credits
 117747Laminate tipping materialLevel 25 Credits
 117748Clean a cigarette makerLevel 25 Credits
 117749Shut down a cigarette makerLevel 36 Credits
 117752Maintain a cigarette packer hopperLevel 43 Credits
 117755Maintain a display cartoning unitLevel 43 Credits
 117756Produce cigarettesLevel 319 Credits
 117968Demonstrate an understanding of abattoir layout and constructionLevel 44 Credits
 117969Evaluate the dressing of carcassesLevel 46 Credits
 119379Receive live birds and place on the poultry processing lineLevel 26 Credits
 119380Monitor the quality assurance in a poultry abattoirLevel 315 Credits
 119381Manage the rearing of pullets for table egg productionLevel 315 Credits
 119382Apply health management practices for poultryLevel 212 Credits
 119385Care for poultry parent stock during productionLevel 215 Credits
 119386Demonstrate basic understanding of the poultry processing industryLevel 21 Credits
 119388Apply health and safety practices in poultry processingLevel 112 Credits
 119389Implement abattoir hygiene in poultry processingLevel 315 Credits
 119390Manage the receiving of live birds and placing on the poultry processing lineLevel 36 Credits
 119391Apply environmental management practices in poultry productionLevel 112 Credits
 119393Implement personal hygiene principles in a poultry abattoirLevel 315 Credits
 119394Clean and disinfect on poultry holdingsLevel 25 Credits
 119395Demonstrate an understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of poultryLevel 12 Credits
 119396Manage post-brooding broiler production activitiesLevel 315 Credits
 119397Handle the collection and storage of the table eggs on the farmLevel 210 Credits
 119399Utilise abattoir hygiene in poultry processingLevel 215 Credits
 119400Slaughter birds in a poultry abattoirLevel 36 Credits
 119401Implement the cold storage and despatch practices in a poultry abattoirLevel 38 Credits
 119402Maintain water for poultry productionLevel 36 Credits
 119403Apply personal hygiene principles in poultry processingLevel 115 Credits
 119404Care for commercial layersLevel 210 Credits
 119405Utilise water management in poultry processingLevel 23 Credits
 119406Provide feed and nutrition for poultryLevel 110 Credits
 119407Implement water management in poultry processingLevel 32 Credits
 119408Maintain health and safety in poultry productionLevel 32 Credits
 119409Manage the brooding of poultry chicksLevel 310 Credits
 119410Slaughter birds in a poultry abattoirLevel 26 Credits
 119412Demonstrate an understanding of the role of water for poultry productionLevel 18 Credits
 119413Utilise cold chain management in poultry processingLevel 23 Credits
 119414Apply abattoir hygiene in poultry processingLevel 115 Credits
 119415Operate a processing scanner in a poultry abattoirLevel 25 Credits
 119416Apply bio-security in poultry productionLevel 110 Credits
 119417Manage a poultry production facilityLevel 35 Credits
 119418Implement quality assurance in a poultry abattoirLevel 215 Credits
 119419Implement administration and record keeping in poultry processingLevel 35 Credits
 119420Understand vaccine handling and vaccinating practices for poultryLevel 36 Credits
 119421Handle eggs for setting at a hatcheryLevel 210 Credits
 119422Utilise health and safety principles in poultry processingLevel 212 Credits
 119423Clean a poultry house and its equipmentLevel 15 Credits
 119425Apply water management in poultry processingLevel 13 Credits
 119426Operate an automatic tray wrapper in a poultry abattoirLevel 25 Credits
 119427Monitor the incubation process in hatcheriesLevel 215 Credits
 119428Apply cold chain management in poultry processingLevel 13 Credits
 119429Perform and administer record keeping functions in poultry productionLevel 35 Credits
 119430Demonstrate an understanding of poultry nutritionLevel 310 Credits
 119431Maintain the health of poultryLevel 110 Credits
 119432Operate a portion cutting machine in a poultry abattoirLevel 212 Credits
 119433Apply quality assurance in a poultry abattoirLevel 115 Credits
 119434Apply health and safety practices in poultry productionLevel 14 Credits
 119436Implement health and safety principles in a poultry abattoirLevel 310 Credits
 119437Utilise feed management in poultry productionLevel 210 Credits
 119438Operate a processing scale in a poultry abattoirLevel 210 Credits
 119439Manage the incubation process in hatcheriesLevel 315 Credits
 119441Maintain bio-security in poultry productionLevel 38 Credits
 119442Demonstrate basic understanding of the poultry production industryLevel 22 Credits
 119443Utilise cold storage and despatch practices in a poultry abattoirLevel 26 Credits
 119444Monitor and manage the poultry production environmentLevel 310 Credits
 119445Defeather poultryLevel 28 Credits
 119446Process poultry frozen meat products in an abattoirLevel 28 Credits
 119447Utilise health and safety principles in poultry productionLevel 24 Credits
 119448Brood poultry chicksLevel 210 Credits
 119449Manage hatching eggs for settingLevel 310 Credits
 119450Produce poultry broilersLevel 215 Credits
 119451Perform 1st phase evisceration in poultryLevel 28 Credits
 119452Show an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of poultryLevel 25 Credits
 119453Process poultry fresh meat products in an abattoirLevel 28 Credits
 119468Clean and prepare the poultry house for a new flockLevel 36 Credits
 119473Rear pullets for table egg productionLevel 215 Credits
 119474Manage the care of poultry parent stockLevel 315 Credits
 119476Perform 2nd phase evisceration in poultryLevel 28 Credits
 119483Utilise environmental management practices on poultry farms and hatcheriesLevel 210 Credits
 119486Manage the production of table eggsLevel 310 Credits
 119487Utilise water management in poultry productionLevel 28 Credits
 119488Demonstrate basic knowledge of the poultry industryLevel 12 Credits
 119489Manage the care of commercial layersLevel 315 Credits
 119490Utilise bio-security practices in poultry productionLevel 28 Credits
 119492Apply personal hygiene principles in a poultry abattoirLevel 215 Credits
 119493Manage the rearing of poultry parent stockLevel 315 Credits
 119498Rear poultry parent stock to sexual maturity after broodingLevel 215 Credits
 119537Demonstrate an understanding of basic health management practices on poultry holdingsLevel 36 Credits
 123144Demonstrate an understanding of the wool and mohair fibre industryLevel 24 Credits
 123147Weigh and slit wool and mohair balesLevel 24 Credits
 123150Core and grab wool and mohair samplesLevel 210 Credits
 123151Dispatch and ship wool and mohair balesLevel 26 Credits
 123152Bin and blend wool and mohair fibresLevel 28 Credits
 123153Apply quality assurance in the wool and mohair fibre industryLevel 210 Credits
 123154Propagate rooibos from seedLevel 26 Credits
 123155Display wool and mohair samples for pre auction evaluationLevel 22 Credits
 123156Conduct post harvest cutting of RooibosLevel 26 Credits
 123157Provide care for rooibos seedlingsLevel 24 Credits
 123158Demonstrate an understanding of Rooibos culture practicesLevel 212 Credits
 123159Conduct soil preparation and transplant rooibos seedlingsLevel 25 Credits
 123160Bruise, ferment and dry Rooibos cuttingsLevel 26 Credits
 123161Receive and grade rooibosLevel 24 Credits
 123162Conduct Rooibos harvestingLevel 24 Credits
 123163Screen and blend RooibosLevel 25 Credits
 123164Pasteurise, dry and bag RooibosLevel 28 Credits
 123165Demonstrate an understanding of the Rooibos industryLevel 22 Credits
 123166Apply health and safety practices in the wool and mohair fibre industryLevel 24 Credits
 123167Monitor the quality assurance in Rooibos processingLevel 28 Credits
 123168Receive and register bulk wool and mohair bulk fibreLevel 26 Credits
 123169Flavour and pack Rooibos to clients‘ specificationsLevel 26 Credits
 123170Collect and treat Rooibos seedLevel 24 Credits
 123171Store wool and mohair balesLevel 24 Credits
 123172Apply health and safety in Rooibos production and processingLevel 27 Credits
 123173Demonstrate knowledge of hygiene practices in Rooibos production and processingLevel 26 Credits
 123250Compress wool and mohair balesLevel 24 Credits
 123251Despatch packaged Rooibos productsLevel 23 Credits
 123370Demonstrate knowledge of hygiene awareness in a food production facilityLevel 24 Credits
 123374Implement and maintain a HACCP system in a food processing facilityLevel 415 Credits
 123376Demonstrate an understanding of good manufacturing practices in food processingLevel 410 Credits
 242961Control health and nuisance pests in commercial, industrial and domestic environmentsLevel 210 Credits
 242962Carry out pest control operationsLevel 110 Credits
 242964Control subterranean termites in structuresLevel 210 Credits
 242965Preserve timber in structuresLevel 28 Credits
 242966Inspect, treat and control a range of pests in domestic, commercial and industrial environmentsLevel 27 Credits
 242967Classify pesticides in terms of hazards and safety considerationsLevel 18 Credits
 242968Identify a range of pests in domestic, commercial and industrial environmentsLevel 18 Credits
 242969Monitor and control hygiene practices in grain storageLevel 44 Credits
 242970Implement good manufacturing practices in food processingLevel 410 Credits
 242971Manage the sampling, measurement, and unloading of bulk grainLevel 46 Credits
 243223Control stock levels of bulk grain storageLevel 44 Credits
 243224Implement fumigation proceduresLevel 27 Credits
 243854Assess the quality of plums for exportNew Level Assignment Pending20 Credits
 243855Assess the quality of litchis for exportNew Level Assignment Pending15 Credits
 243856Assess the quality of avocados for exportNew Level Assignment Pending20 Credits
 243857Identify the legislative requirements for perishable produce exportationNew Level Assignment Pending15 Credits
 243858Apply customer care in the perishable produce export industryLevel 45 Credits
 243859Apply food safety practices in the perishable produce industryLevel 410 Credits
 243860Assess the quality of grain for local and export marketsNew Level Assignment Pending15 Credits
 243861Monitor and manage food safety in perishable produce exportationNew Level Assignment Pending10 Credits
 243866Demonstrate knowledge of the factors that affect the exportation of perishable produceLevel 44 Credits
 243867Apply knowledge of refrigeration and cold chain management for perishable produce exportationLevel 420 Credits
 243868Assess the quality of citrus for exportNew Level Assignment Pending24 Credits
 243869Apply knowledge of total quality management systems for perishable produce exportationLevel 410 Credits
 243886Assess the quality of peaches and nectarines for exportNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 243887Monitor and manage the cold chain in perishable produce exportationNew Level Assignment Pending18 Credits
 243888Install and monitor a total quality management system for perishable produce exportationNew Level Assignment Pending18 Credits
 243889Assess the quality of apples for exportNew Level Assignment Pending18 Credits
 243890Ensure health and safety in the perishable produce export environmentLevel 45 Credits
 243891Assess the quality of pears for exportNew Level Assignment Pending18 Credits
 243892Demonstrate knowledge of the legislation and regulations that are necessary for the exportation of perishable produceLevel 415 Credits
 243893Evaluate the affect that various factors have on the viability of perishable produce exportationNew Level Assignment Pending10 Credits
 243894Assess the quality of table grapes for exportNew Level Assignment Pending24 Credits
 243895Assess the quality of mangoes for exportNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 243896Assess the quality of apricots for exportNew Level Assignment Pending16 Credits
 243906Assess the quality of groundnuts for the local and export marketsNew Level Assignment Pending15 Credits
 243907Provide customer care in the perishable produce export industryNew Level Assignment Pending5 Credits
 246759Overhaul minor engine system components on agricultural equipmentLevel 24 Credits
 246760Remove, dismantle and install drive train components of agricultural equipmentLevel 28 Credits
 246761Conduct a scheduled service on agricultural equipmentLevel 24 Credits
 246762Remove, disassemble and install engine system components of agricultural equipmentLevel 23 Credits
 246764Cut and form sheet metal to specificationsLevel 28 Credits
 246765Overhaul minor drive train components on agricultural equipmentLevel 24 Credits
 246767Overhaul steering system components on agricultural equipmentLevel 24 Credits
 246768Split a tractorLevel 23 Credits
 246769Remove, dismantle and install hydraulic system components of agricultural equipmentLevel 26 Credits
 246770Overhaul breaking system components on agricultural equipmentLevel 24 Credits
 246771Care for and maintain electrical components of agricultural equipmentLevel 210 Credits
 246772Overhaul electrical system components on agricultural equipmentLevel 24 Credits
 251923Overhaul minor hydraulic components on agricultural equipmentLevel 28 Credits
 252168Utilise quality assessment principles for the classification of perishable produceLevel 45 Credits
 252169Demonstrate knowledge of good agricultural practices for the production of export quality perishable produceLevel 410 Credits
 252170Apply the principles of customer care in client interactionsLevel 45 Credits
 252171Demonstrate knowledge of the prerequisites for perishable produce export inspectionLevel 47 Credits
 256575Demonstrate knowledge of abattoir hygiene and meat safety standardsLevel 412 Credits



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AMO = Academy Management Office, LMS = Learner Record Management System / Software, ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning Software / System, SaaS = Software as a Service, SETA = Sector Education and Training Authorities, QCTO = Quality Council for Trades and Occupations, SAQA = South African Qualification Authority, QMS = Quality Management System, DHET = Department of Higher Education and Training, TVET = Technical and Vocational Education and Training, ESD = Enterprise Supplier Development, SMME = Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises, OFO = Organising Framework for Occupations

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